
Showing posts from May, 2022

how to get rid of tennis shoe odor (2)

  how to get rid of tennis shoe odor I know you hate having to put away your sneakers because of odor, but there are ways to get rid of the smell. For starters, make sure you air out your shoes by leaving them outside overnight in the summertime when it's warm and dry. In the winter time, leave your tennis shoes inside with a box fan on or a humidifier on to help condense moisture into the air and dissipate odors. You could also try taking slices of lemon or baking soda with water and letting them sit in closed toes for up to an hour before rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water.    Image source: In order to eliminate the smell of your shoes, you'll first need to know what causes it. There are a few different culprits that go into making a shoe's odor: sweat, bacteria, dirt, and food residue. Sweat is going to be the hardest one to get rid of because you're going to have a hard time controlling how much your feet sweat – no matter what...

how to fix the back heel of a shoe

  One way to fix the back heel of a shoe is to use a wooden coffee stir stick, which you can buy at Starbucks for a cheaper price. Using the edge of the stir stick,    Image source: push downward on the back heel until it pops back into place. The important thing about this fix is that you do not want to put too much pressure on it,    Image source: or else this could make it worse. Just run your fingers along the top and bottom of your shoe where it's supposed to be in order to feel if there are still any loose parts.  Image source: There are many tutorials on the internet with various ways to fix the back heel of a shoe.    Image source: One way is to use leather cement and carefully apply it to the back heel of your shoe. Another way is to use a leather hole punch and tap it around that area. A third option is using thin,     Image ...